Tag: web development

  • XML well-formedness checking in TextMate

    I’ve been working with a lot of XML lately and finding out where your document is not well-formed can be a hassle. Imagine having to find an improperly typed closing node in a ten thousand line XML file with thousands of nodes. Talk about your needle and haystack type of situation, right? Well I two…

  • A smarter iFrame with PHP

    Depending on site design, it can often be much quicker to embed dynamic content  in an iframe which already has your site’s header and footer. The problem with this approach is that _blank links pointing to said content will not open in the iframe, but instead in a window without your site’s design. Here’s how…

  • Selecting text block wise

    Another great way of quickly grabbing vertical sections of tables, lists or log files is the select block wise feature in Microsoft Word and some other editors. Basically selecting text block wise allows you to highlight columns of text vertically. It’s great for modifying log files and reformatting sections of code where more or less…