Google ac-hires SageTV

As pointed out by Rakesh Agrawal on his blog, SageTV has been acquired by Google. The announcement makes me happy because I’m sure that the folks who’ve worked hard on SageTV over the years got a fat paycheck today and sad because I am still a hardcore SageTV MediaCenter user and am worried about the future of a great product. I honestly believe that no competing PVR software is as mature and flexible.

Thanks to JREkiwi, malore, and mlbdude. You guys have made SageTV into the indispensable tool that lets me watch what I want when I want commercial free and in HD. I appreciate it and hope that there will be even better things to come from this new partnership with Google.

I’ve been talking to friends and colleagues about the acquisition and they all think that Google has in part taken an interest in SageTV because they want to improve the failed Google TV product. If that entails allowing Google TV to capture, index and categorize broadcast television then I am all for it. I’m not ready to cut the subscription cable cord and I think two thirds of all Americans agree with me on that…IP TV is just not there yet. If anyone has more information about the SageTV guide and it’s future now that the company is owned by Google…or any comments about the merger in general, please leave a comment below. I’ll be responding.


