Tag: MacBook
Adobe Ideas
Michelle got an iPad for Christmas and it’s mostly been used for watching movies and playing games. In fact, until I discovered the Adobe Ideas App a few months ago, I never understood all the iPad hype. Sure, it could browse the web and send emails, but without a tactile keyboard or a real browser…
Snap windows in OS X
Hyperdock lets you tile/maximize windows by dragging them to the edges on your screen. Quickly snap windows to screen edges using keyboard shortcuts. Create custom keyboard shortcuts for each Application to quickly open new windows/documents. Preview open instances of applications by hovering over the open App in the dock.
Macbook pro palm rest discoloration
A few months ago I noticed that my brand new Macbook Pro had developed some permanent stains on the palm rest. A trip to the Apple store “genius bar” ended in a 45 minute wait session followed by an interrogation about my palm moisture levels. Finally I felt I needed to make the following concession:…
Snow Leopard a few months later
It’s been about five months since I got my MacBook Pro and I’ve gotten much more comfortable with both the new hardware and operating system. Like most reviews this post will boil down to a list of features I like and ones I don’t. It’ll be a cliché in the sense that this is yet…
SATA to USB adapter issues on the Mac
I had an extra Western Digital SATA notebook hard drive lying around and figured I could use it as a time capsule for my MacBook. So I hopped on eBay and bought a $5 USB enclosure for it. I had no sooner plugged the thing in than my problems began. First I had issues copying…