Tag: wordpress

  • DIY Forms Solved by WordPress

    If you use WordPress, you’re probably familiar with the admin interface’s widgets tool. It a super easy user interface (UI) that allows users enable/disable elements by dragging them into a designated area. Gravity Forms has ingeniously utilized this concept to allow users create web based forms by dragging and dropping fields. But wait! There’s more.…

  • Migrating your blog to a new domain

    Lets say, hypothetically speaking, that you’ve got this domain (geneomatic.com). Furthermore, lets say that you were doing some SEO experiments with a blog using said domain…you know,  just for fun. In this particular blog, lets say you wanted to make your own name synonymous with the domain name just to test your Google SEO skills.…

  • Goodbye Oettinger GTI

    The dot-com bubble was good to me, ain’t gonna lie. By the time I was 21 I was obsessed with this car and had enough cash to buy it with cash. Looking back, I put way too much money into it and thankfully sold it in ’04 to finance a trip back to school amongst…

  • Website stats that don’t suck

    In effort to help customers place their AdWords/AdSense better, Google has released the best website statistics package ever…and yes, it’s free. Google Analytics (GA) is probably the best free alternative to those costly site statistics hosting add-on packages. It utilizes an easy to use AJAX interface with live interactive graphs and maps. Here’s how to…